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Site > Page List Templates
This page contains "templates" for Pm Wiki's Brief Syntax Explanation:See also: PageLists, Page Variables, Conditional Markup, Cookbook:PagelistTemplateSamples Use with page variables: = current item < previous item > next item Conditionals used to structure pagelist output:
fmt=#defaultThe default template for pagelists when [[#default]] (:if ! equal {=$Group} {<$Group}:) :[[{=$Group}]] /: (:if:) : :[[{=$Group}/{=$Name}]] [[#defaultend]] fmt=#indexTest of an index format. [[#index]] (:if ! equal {=$Name} {<$Name}:) (:linkwikiwords:)%center% [- [[{=$Title}]] -] \\ (:if:) [[#indexend]] fmt=#bygroupDisplay pages by group/name. [[#bygroup]] (:if ! equal {=$Group} {<$Group}:) :[[{=$Group}]] /: (:if:) : :[[{=$Group}/{=$Name}]] [[#bygroupend]] fmt=#simpleA simple bullet list of page names. [[#simple]] * [[{=$FullName}]] [[#simpleend]] fmt=#titleA simple bullet list of page titles. Use [[#title]] * [[{=$FullName}|+]] [[#titleend]] fmt=#groupA bullet list of groups. [[#group]] (:if ! equal {=$Group} {<$Group}:) * [[{=$Group}]] [[#groupend]] fmt=#includeConcatenate the text of pages in the list. (Note, this can be an expensive operation!) [[#include]] (:include {=$FullName} self=0:) [[#includeend]] fmt=#includefaqInclude just the #faq sections from pages in the list. (This can also be expensive,
especially if the list includes pages that don't have the [[#includefaq]] !![[{=$FullName}|+]] >>faq<< (:include {=$FullName}#faq#faqend self=0:) >><< [[#includefaqend]] |