From Annie Hall's

To Upload a picture, Edit the page where the picture will be placed, and find the location in the text or paragraph where you want the picture. Start the upload process by entering Attach: followed by an image name with the correct file extension. The imagename you show after Attach: does not have to be the real name of the image file you upload, but the extension such as jpg does need to be correct. For example, Attach:thispicture.jpg Δ. Then save the page and click on the resulting new image link that shows on the edited page. Anew screen will pop up that prompts you to browse to the image to be uploaded. This file can be anywhere on your computer or its attachments. The following will also show on that page to help you through the process.

1. Use the "Browse" button above to find the "File to upload" on your local computer.

2. For the "Name attachment as:" field, enter the name you prefer the file to have once it has been uploaded to the site. This can be the same as its filename on your source disk or it can be different, but make sure it has the correct file extension.

3. Press "Upload" to upload the file.

4. To refer to an attachment within a wiki page in this Site WikiGroup, simply enter Attach:filename.ext in the page text.

5. After uploading, you can

Existing uploads

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Page last modified on January 12, 2007, at 03:21 AM.
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